Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Apparently, Worn Down = Susceptible to All Bugs. I am enduring the worst I've had in years. Ack. And the poetry reading is this aft. I think I'll go (or have R take me!), croak out a few, and leave. What else can I do? I've already cancelled on this guy once.

I've made the decision that I am not doing another reading until I have lots of new poems, unless (a) begged, (b) invited to read with a famous cool person, or (c) offered cash and food. As (b) and (c) are completely unlikely and (a) only happened once or twice in a "help me fill in for the absent person" situation, I will take the rest of the year to write new things. I am just SO SICK of reading the same couple sets, mixing it up depending on the season. Yawn. I know they are new poems for each audience, but I am sick of reading them. I can see how musicians feel, wanting to play a concert of only new things, à la Neil Young.

First things first: I must get organized, box things up, get ready. I have to plan my errands this week to take care of the last two necessary, important tasks. And I even wrote to Suze Orman last night to see if she'll take my financial question. :) She rocks. I must plan to knock off one thing a day, or one thing every other day, and it will all get done. I happily took off a day last week to organize all my financial papers, go through my closet, and throw out old tapes (who needs videos of the X-Files series with commericals now that I have DVDs?). I have three boxes of clothes to give away/sell and lots of nice accordian folders full of papier. woo hoo. go go gadget cleaner.

Off to hot tea, vitamin C, tissues, and purple medicine.


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