Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Had a good poets' group meeting this past Sunday. Talked about getting serious about submissions and the larger chapbook picture, getting published and going to Dodge. Listened to amusing Boston Sci-Fi convention stories (Noreascon) from S. The stalking of editors and agents ... . I just looked at the schedule online, and my god the talks were crazy! Everything from the anatomy of a unicorn to gollum analysis. A few seemed helpful to writers, but I can imagine the audiences at the rest. Don't get me wrong, I love geeks. :) (I say, having shown up in my Super Wench Ren Fest shirt!)

I only have until Sunday to prepare for the poetry reading; I do have a few new ideas but nothing seems to be coming to paper very well. I should write about this afternoon, walking the yard and D's pumpkins, her children running in front to point out every fat one. That one could help me avoid writing about how disappointed I feel of late, how worn down, how out of touch with anything academic or literary or smart.

Just received some nice feedback on a recent fiction editing project, so that makes me feel good. Took a few more projects for the end of the month. By mid to late October I'd better have a writing retreat vacation booked, else I'll burst or wither or do whatever those who don't allow their passions do.

Back to work before The Amazing Race later.


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