Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Monday, March 22, 2004

It's been a while since I've written I see. I've been thinking often about my writing and jotting down lots of notes, but I have a terrible time writing anything creative once I sit down to get down to it. We had a good poetry group meeting this month, and I found myself going on about my frustration about not committing to my poetry, not taking a stand and focusing on nature and science like I used to. I even stopped the 100 Words for March because I didn't keep up with the postings. (Next month though, I will be back.)

I came home today to an acceptance for two poems to appear in the Sierra Nevada College Review. I am really excited about this one because they often print one of my favorite unknown poets, Taylor Graham. They picked two that express natural images, so I think the issue should be a good one. I always feel so horrible about pulling the pieces from the other places, but I would feel worse ignoring it and having to tell the other magazines about it much later.

I'm back into The Unknown Writer, so that is helping me feel more involved in the submission and poetry game. I really do need to have a burst of new writing so that I can send more things out. Right now I am down to the dregs!

More later I suppose. I am off to work on freelance and then, maybe!, I'll feel creative and write SOMETHING!

Oh ... My Favorite Spam of the Day

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