Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Well, I spoke too soon about 50 degree days. Here we are with record lows and snow. Again, global warming I say. It's a good day to sit in and get all this work done. If I can complete these projects today I might even have time for some poetry work. Heavens.

Had a good poetry group meeting this month. We agreed that the group is important to all of us, even if we stray from poetry here and there in our lives. The group forces us to talk about writing and contacts. It forces me to send out my work before the next meeting so I have something to report!! I won't be entering that chapbook contest because they want something like 50 pp. and I just don't have it. I do have a few other places I could send to. We'll see. Again I wonder if I should switch to fiction for now. *sigh*

I managed to get my alumni card updated, so now I can go to the library as the new me. In a book of R's, I looked up the info about the Chinese and the jars, but that nasty word "allegedly" prefaced the description, so now I wonder if this is worth pursuing at all. I did go out to dinner with K this week, and she and I reminisced about the old days when we talked of writing historical romance novels together. I don't doubt that she would be much better at it than I. Over her spicy bloody mary, she said she'd want to write a pilgrim plot, and she is the colonial expert of course. Who else but a Plantation actor would know? :)

I'm reading Anna Karenina again, and I'm in the middle of Not Always So. It's not what I expected (the latter) ... the essays are too focused on meditation practice, directed at the students in the room. I thought it would be more like the Hanh texts about everyday life. I still haven't finished Angels & Demons, but that is because I was terrible about getting to the gym last week.

Just saw (finally) Pirates of the Caribbean. Don't know what the fuss was all about. I want to see Monster but it's not around here. Damn.

Okay, time for
My Favorite Spam of the Day: impractical fracture arrow hamlin

Jeanie Bright sends along something very poetic. In fact, I think I'll make it my writing exercise to create a poem using these four words. I'll even post it here if it works out.

Until later folks. I'm off to the world of science proofing: "Analysis of Dynamic Optical Imaging Data"


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