Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Friday, November 21, 2003

This just in. It seems that the reason that I am not writing poetry is that I am working all day and then I work freelance all night. Funny how that becomes an obstacle for creative work. Take now for instance. I should be finishing this freelance project but I am exhausted and headed for sleep. So tomorrow morning instead of waking up and having my amaranth flakes and writing poetry I'll be finishing the project. *sigh*

My terminus is coming and Taproot is here. I've been offered a position on the Taproot staff to edit/proofread their pages in exchange for a spot in the magazine to feature my poetry. Pretty nice. Who can resist proofreading and publishing poetry in one shot?

When I think about UW I want to cry. We have to decide what to do about it. Nothing is happening with it, and we may not have the motivation to keep going. I used to have the time, but now . . . . I might suggest a two-issues-per-year arrangement just to keep it up. We'll see.

Got an email from a Dylan Clarke today, asking me to remove an experimental link on my poetry link page regarding Gillian Clarke. He said he is her web site webmaster. I took the link down for him; I am sure they must be related. Glad he liked my site.

New ideas: write of a person who visits all the replicas of the eiffel tower.


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