Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Not only have I been unable to write anything at all, let alone anything good, in the past weeks, but tonight I find out that my favorite Internet radio station has ceased live broadcasts as of last night. I am so pissed off about it, and stunned. It was the only thing keeping me sane as I worked, and now it is gone. I'm totally lost. And I tried for a half hour to find another decent station that didn't require me to download some other "player" software, but nothing is out there that I can find. &*%#@$%! Good thing I signed on to iTunes today to buy some of my favorite old songs. I'll burn a CD to keep me occupied in the meantime.

Got sun today at a friend's pool, lounging around reading Vanity Fair and doing nothing else. Odd to do basically nothing for hours. I could get used to it.

One more week until that next poetry reading. I am excited about it. Must read through poems to see what I'll pick.

Made the really big decision to stop doing the zine. We can't devote the time to it. As it is, the last issue took us a long time to print, and we still got a page number wrong in the ToC. We're just not paying attention as we should. We'll print the ones we accepted and that will be it for now. Hope we can get back to it in a year or two. I really love reading others work and printing it.

More later. For now, time to pick some MP3 folders and forget about the death of The Basement while proofreading genetics.


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