Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Well, I did take some vacation time, but it was to throw things away that were hanging out in the attic. Not much of a writer's life. I would like to take some time to write. *sigh* Maybe in the fall.

The poetry group meeting was at that lit magazine/NJ poets roundup. I bought a copy of Exit 13, which seems much like The Unknown Writer, only put out once a year. We are going to twice a year, which will be more normal and give us a chance to actually have a magazine. Anyway, I heard lots of good poets and got talking with some. I might be able to set up a reading with one in the future, and I am going to call another person about another reading. (Damn, I wish I had new things to READ!!!) Then S and I went out to Panera's and talked about our writing and her book manuscript and our lives. I feel so guilty that I have not read her chapter drafts yet.

The freelance work keeps rolling in. I must finish this one job in the next 4 days, which is basically impossible. I know that I have a 320-pp. book coming in June, but aside from that there is nothing scheduled. I did get a raise from one publisher, which is great. Now if I could not spend some of the money coming in ...

On to more freelance and sending one of those poets some of my work. ...


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