Trying desperately to catch up on this huge project and I came across a cited author whose name is King, and that reminded me that I wanted to say ...
This new series of
Burger King commercials with the women who want to knock off the King is rather tasteless (*ahem*) and totally inappropriate these days, I think. It actually bothers me to the point that I now flip the channel (and it takes a bit to get me motivated to move after working 11 hours straight).
I typically have a soft spot for BK, as it was the first real fast-food place that came in when I was growing up, and the chicken sandwich was rather good, but their ad company should pack its bags. These commercials are not funny (although the one actress has amusing facial expressions when she shouts at him in frustration); with instances of children plotting to take out teachers and schoolmates and with a war going on and with all the death surrounding us on a regular basis, isn't there enough evil in the world without trying to make a hit seem like a good marketing springboard?
I am pretty open but this is just too much for even me. Yeah, I know ... "oh it's just a commercial ..." But it's not just that. Commercials, and all media in some way, reflect our lives, our world, our psyche, and it's sad to me that people find this particular message/undertone/idea amusing.
Although I have not read it completely,
Television II: Television Commercials looks like an interesting paper that discusses this idea (and there is a nice
article by Bruce Campbell on some of these ideas also)
I put "burger king commercial hitman" into a search engine, and for every comment from someone who agrees with me, there is a comment that another finds the commercials funny. Obviously the management at BK thinks they are funny too.