Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

How great! Or how evil! I can't decide ...

The Book Bench blog post, Surprise Ending, Oct. 2, 2008

"This month, boxes of used paperbacks with a sign proclaiming “Free Books” will be placed at strategic locations on Fourteenth Street in Manhattan, as part of the Art in Odd Places “Pedestrian” exhibit. The catch: the last pages of each book have been torn out. It’s unclear if this a commentary on how many people have books on their shelves that they’ve never read or else given up on halfway through."
So you get an email that offers some work that you would love to take, and you review how long the project is and the due date, and you look at your calendar and you already know that you would really be pushing it if you took the job but you would really like to, but then you analyze the calendar again and you hear the voice in the back of your skull that said that you really need to take less right now, not more, and you don't want to rush a job at all, so you sadly type back to the client that you just can't take the offer, and you get a bit sad about it and you move the mouse very slowly to the Send button and you send the message and then you consider getting another Oreo to make you feel better even though you have had five Oreos already for the day and you are overweight and do not need another one.
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