Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

How great! Or how evil! I can't decide ...

The Book Bench blog post, Surprise Ending, Oct. 2, 2008

"This month, boxes of used paperbacks with a sign proclaiming “Free Books” will be placed at strategic locations on Fourteenth Street in Manhattan, as part of the Art in Odd Places “Pedestrian” exhibit. The catch: the last pages of each book have been torn out. It’s unclear if this a commentary on how many people have books on their shelves that they’ve never read or else given up on halfway through."


  • At Sun Oct 05, 09:57:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    I suspect if I weren't in on the gag, and I picked up one of these books to read, and got very into it, and then found the last page to be missing (which I assume means the artist can only use books that end on a recto page, otherwise the last two printed pages would be missing . . . oh, how I miss production editing), I would fly into the same berserk rage I did, when, while home with the flu in high school, I watched a copy of Brazil — videotaped from HBO — that was missing the final minute.

    But of course, that was me as an immature teenager. As an immature adult, my real impulse would be to type up a new ending, fold the paper into the back of the book, and return it to the Free Books box. >:)

  • At Sun Oct 05, 10:53:00 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Holy! I think your idea of typing up an alternate ending rocks. Were I not in this state we could go there and grab a bunch and produce them to look like the real deal and then return the books!! Wow, what an idea. A good writing exercise too!


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