I make myself sick, I really do. I sit and "put the sad face on" (as we say around here) and feed myself falsities and feel sorry for myself and covet material things ... terrible, terrible. It takes reading an article like this to set me straight ... again. I hope it lasts this time.
At Fri Dec 28, 02:38:00 PM, Schizohedron said…
Talk about getting up when you're knocked down, no matter what. I admire her drive.
It scares me how common cases like hers must be.
I've taken a considerably different view of material goods since I've been reading blogs that focus on personal finance and frugality. Two fine examples are Get Rich Slowly and The Simple Dollar. There's a whole constellation of blogs on both topics, but these two are exemplary and updated daily. Both authors also mined their ways out of a huge amount of debt, which gives them some insight in economy.
On the other hand, I work next to an Apple Store and live next to a Trader Joe's. This is why I have direct deposit. If they actually handed me cash from a box like the guys in M*A*S*H, I'd be screwed.
I admire you and T for setting up thriving editing businesses. I wish I'd invested the time and energy to do so after I left our common workplace. If anything, the woman in the Times shows it's not too late for me to do so!
At Sun Dec 30, 11:22:00 PM, Amy said…
Thanks for those blog links. I am a strange combination ... overly focused on income but not savvy on doing anything with it once it comes in! A friend just admonished me to raise our 401k input so I guess that is my next step.
Thanks also for saying that you admire me (and T); I know you would be the same if you tried this. It is certainly not too late for you to start! You can build clients one at a time, increasing the work at night unti you have enough for a full day each day. I warn you, though, you'll start forgetting what it is like to come home and relax as you build a client list. I don't suggest it for most people!!
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