Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Just saw this summary called "Befriend a Bathroom Scale" on page 86 of the December 12 Time magazine. It's a blurb about an article I printed in one of my journals at work. Cool to see the Annals info get out to an even larger audience. I'll have to write the editors on Monday to make sure they saw it.


  • At Sun Dec 11, 10:31:00 AM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Wow! Talk about a shock of recognition. (And always good to know your company's products are selling.) A table I designed for an accounting newsletter was used in an issue of the Wall Street Journal a few years ago. I actually yelled on the bus, "That's my table!!" I photocopied it and put it on my bosses' desks. Aside from that, most of the articles I typeset never appear in the general press.

    I'm mildly surprised by the result of the research. I had read that a weekly weighing schedule might be less discouraging to new dieters/gym-goers, due to possible short-term fluctuations in weight from muscle gain and varying hydration. I haven't read the full article, but my guess would be that seeing the number daily helps folks to be conscious of proper food intake and portion control. Makes sense to me!


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