Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

For the past week I've written the same scene for my novel each night before falling asleep, and none of them represent closely enough the scene I repeatedly play in my head. How frustrating not to be able to write out what I want. I could attribute it to being tired (falling asleep on the notebook does not help), but I think it is more than that. I try to slow down what I see, and then I just can't get the right words for the scene. argh.

I've also been taking lots of time to think about subplots, but those aren't gelling either. My only recent success has been to rename one of the main characters so that his name is less like another character name. I actually feel guilty renaming him, as I've been calling him one name for so long that it is difficult to think of him as anything but that. I'm sure some editor will make me rename everyone again anyway, so I'll have to practice nonattachment.

Maybe some turkey and stuffing will help things. It can't hurt.


  • At Thu Nov 24, 01:15:00 AM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    I can see that scene in your head, looking at the paper and wondering just how it's going to make that jump. :)

    Perhaps a change in point of view might help? Just for the sake of telling this scene, not the whole novel. Tell the scene from the POV of another character in it. Invent a narrator, unseen but in the room, to observe it and report it. Or go third-person omniscient and describe it from a distance. See what it might teach you about the characters' interaction in this scene, the dialogue, what part of the plot moves forward as a result of this scene . . . things of that nature.

    A groaning board full of turkey, however, might also be the correct therapy. :)

  • At Sun Nov 27, 11:00:00 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    That is an excellent idea. I am writing in third-person narrator, so maybe I will write it from the main character's POV and see what she says and sees. That will help, I think. Thank you!

    And mmmmmmmmmm, tur-key was good. yams too. it may have weighed me down though. tomorrow it is back to the gym!!

  • At Mon Nov 28, 09:14:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Ditto on the gym count. I did go during the weekend, but being up late threw off my internal clock and I was unable to pull my pumpkin-pie-larded frame outta bed. That's tomorrow's task!


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