Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Blue has been good to me over the last 5 months, so I've made a change around here. This summer was a most frightful and awakening time, and now I live new with true purpose. I'll be doing another poetry reading soon and keeping my hand in freelance work, but I will be off on a writer's retreat to focus on getting this first book done. Fear, the great motivator. Fear of not having committed to serious effort, not fear of an unpublished manuscript. When I feel myself sleeping I unearth the 'what if.' When I become frustrated I weigh the importance. When I am not doing what I need to do I ask why not now. When inspired I stop and listen. When I fail I start again. I think I'll use all my paid time this year, try not to carry over. So much to do that now seems so immediate.


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