Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Currently working on a poem about the love of things unseen. I work on it, then stare at it for days, then work on it again. Also have a poem going about a science teacher. These are lighter than most I write, which may prove to be a disaster.

Keep thinking about writing that book. First things first I guess.

The poet meeting was cancelled. One member was in Puerto Rico; others couldn't do it. *sigh* We'll try again.

Lots of work to do and I'm not feeling well. All I want to do is sleep. My freaking feet are cold too. And today I was compared to a crayfish. Lovely.

Someone has her cranky pants on.

The good news seems to be that The Amazing Race is on later and I plan to stuff my face with potatoes for dinner. And if I get my work done I'll go back to the poems and see what I can do with those.

PS: My friend lost the Brad/Jen bet. Sorry A.


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