Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Friday, January 07, 2005

When I visited my good friend A in the late 1990s at her home in northern MA, we had a jolly time eating chick peas and hiking and checking out the town sites. We talked late into the night, looking through her shelves of books as she related the history of each one to me. Stuck to the wall of that library room was a sealed white envelope. There was a twinkle in her eye when she talked about it. She and a friend of hers had been hanging out at the time when Jennifer Aniston got together with Brad Pitt. They made a bet that whoever wrote down the date closest to their eventual breakup would receive from the other a lot of good beer. And I remember thinking, well, that will stay sealed forever because there's a perfect couple. HAA!!! Someone has won beer and I want to know who! So I just left a rambling screaming message on her machine because she was not home. Damn. Maybe she'll bring the envelope here when she visits next month.

On other fronts, I have beat the cold and feel good. I have some ideas for poems and I have tons of freelance work to finish, which I must get back to (an article on The Last Temptation of Christ, followed by a Kant chapter). I should have my poetry meeting this weekend, but who knows. I think tomorrow is jeans shopping since the ones I have fall off. After seeing A Very Long Engagement I would like something less intense, like White Noise perhaps. And when the heck are they annoucing the Oscar movies? That will give me a bunch I'll have to see before the show.

Until later. Send supportive thoughts Jennifer's way ...


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