I’ve been engaged in my writing life of late, which is satisfying. I took a writing vacation and finished two poems, and I’m actually really happy with them. And one is a nice look back on a third-grade experience ... nice is not something I typically do, but I get good reactions to my lighter poems so I’m trying, I really am. I’ll send them out with a few others to some literary journals. And this week I’ll be sending out some flash fiction pieces, so I hope that I see my name in print more often next year.
Friday I read my poems to an audience for the first time in over a year. Boy was I rusty! Even though the audience was small (which S felt bad about it seemed, but it didn’t bother me) and consisted of a number of friends, I still didn’t feel comfortable. Not sure why. I forgot that I’d be speaking into a mic, so that might have thrown me off. I wasn’t sure how the new poems would go over, and I’d never read them aloud to an audience before. I’d have to work on my presentation before another reading. If I can write another 6 to 10 new poems that I think are really working, I would consider trying to get some readings again. But we’ll see.
I was happier about the chance to go out after the reading with S and D and their friends to a local restaurant and participate in some real intelligent and literary conversation. I miss talking regularly with others about all things poetry. I asked if anyone had heard the news that the Dodge festival will be back at Waterloo this year (instead of the mud pit fiasco of 2004), and that started a great, detailed discussion about the cons and mishaps of the last festival.
We were all thrilled that it will be back in Stanhope; we discussed the difficulties there, including the small main tent and buildings, but the atmosphere can’t be beat ... it’s inspiring and historic. There were rather funny stories told about sign language interpreters at poetry readings and how they tried desperately to translate the personal and awkward words from open and raw poets like Sharon Olds. I even had cheesecake, which I probably should have avoided, but I feel that since I regularly go to the gym, I can indulge.*
The romance novel is coming along slowly; I write out notes pretty regularly but need to get more into the computer. I need to do better, take some time to get it moving faster. So off to do more on it. ...
*this statement is how I justify most sugary/bad/fatty things I eat, including but not limited to natural kettle-cooked potato chips, chocolate-chip cookies, espresso chip ice cream, cheesy baked cracker things, Snapple, chocolate cake, muffins, and assorted mini candy bars. On the up side, I have kept my vow to move toward better foods and eat soy garden spread, organic milk and produce, "safe(r)" fish, 100% juice, tofu, hummus, and so on. It's a yin-yang thing, apparently. Now to wean from the evil sugar ...
At Mon Nov 21, 09:29:00 PM, Schizohedron said…
>nice is not something I typically do
There are times when, in different contexts, I so identify with this phrase. ;)
BTW, thanks kindly for the link — I've got you hooked up on mine now!
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