Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

In looking over the P&W info today I saw a rather nonliterary cover photo and this write-up on the summer 2005 Fence, a journal that we often discussed in my former poetry group. Apparently, editor Wolff decided on the cover photo

after noticing that the Fall/Winter 2003 issue of the quarterly—which featured a subtler piece of art on the cover—had a sell-through rate that was 25 percent below that of a typical issue. Wolff calls the current cover an example of “experimental (though certainly not innovative) marketing.” Of course, this kind of thing is the standard for many commercial magazines: The cover of the October issue of Vanity Fair shows Paris Hilton in a similarly provocative pose. But so much skin has rarely—if ever—been seen on the cover of a literary magazine. Is it a sly comment on contemporary culture, a surrender to bottom-line sales figures, or just good-natured fun for an industry that could use a little?

Sly I doubt, and fun could be skin used with something relevant like bound books or printed pages. A pierced naked girl covering her melon tits is neither sly nor fun (nor creative nor interesting ...). That photo is a deep-waisted bow to the almighty though diminishing American greenback. Whose wallet is Wolff trying to open -- the high-minded high schooler who "reads" Playboy too? Anyone who knows me knows I'm liberal and not a prude, but seriously. Does anyone buy a lit mag because the cover represents that kind of "fun"? I guess we'll see. Hey, if it brings new readers to poetry, fine by me. But take it for what it is -- a way to gather attention and money for the publication.


  • At Sun Oct 30, 08:58:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Amy — That is a Suicide Girls model. is a softporn site featuring Goth chicks, tattoo freaks, and women more pierced than a pincushion, and they advertise on, a geek/tech/culture blog. I recognize this lass from the ad on Boingboing. In fact, it's the same picture! What the hell could a poetry journal gain from it? And I'm no prude either! Though I do prefer my women a little older, say, by at least a decade more than this chick. I like women to be able to tell me, when I ask where they were when the Challenger exploded, that they were out of grammar school, to say nothing of the womb.

  • At Sat Nov 05, 09:34:00 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    Interesting ... well, that supports my point that they couldn't even get an original idea. Yes, older is better too. :) It is nice to be able to say "Save Ferris" and have the person understand you.

  • At Sun Dec 18, 11:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No one seems to be talking about the sexism here, the presentation of a woman as an OBJECT for male pleasure, which seems to me the main problem with this. A woman is a person with value beyond her body, though our society seems to forget this...


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