Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Three things overheard while Christmas shopping this afternoon:

  1. A boy of about 7 and his father walk into a game store:

    Son: Dad, can I have a video game?
    Dad: No, and if you ask me again I'll beat the crap out of you.

  2. A well-dressed petite blonde talks with the manager of a restaurant:

    Manager: How has the work on the house been going?
    Blonde: Oh, we've been working on the little things. We added one fireplace, and then I decided that I wanted three, so they put them all in and then told me that one was at the stud and weakened the wall, so I had them move it.

  3. A brunette talks on her cell phone at a cafe table full of scribbled papers and a BlackBerry:

    Woman: Inspector X, this is Y. Yes. We spoke about the letters. I can bring them down. They get progressively more threatening. I have all the neighbors' envelopes unopened, so can you dust them for fingerprints?


  • At Sat Dec 10, 12:32:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Well captured, my friend! If you like this sort of thing, give a try. Horribly ugly site design, but always a voyeuristic thrill.

    That third one is actually one of the most relevant (and disturbing) cell calls I've ever overheard (by proxy in this case). The vast majority of the ones I hear on the train begin with the words, "I'm on the train." This is why Nextel and Cingular execs can afford to go through Porsches like Dixie cups.


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