Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

So here is how things have been going since Wednesday when I said I must buckle down and finish my incredible amounts of work:

* Thurs: Sit and work most of the day; get a decent amount done. Am lulled into thinking that this renewed effort and schedule can actually be maintained.

* Fri: Oh crap, forgot I have to see dr. at noon. Follow preappointment procedure, get wicked headache, get arms needled full of holes, come back home, get stomach ache, continue with wicked headache, work a few hours, then go see houses when R gets home. Too tired to keep working.

* Sat: Go shopping with mom in a.m. (mom never shops so feel too guilty to cancel for work), in last store in early afternoon and get call in mall dressing room from R, come home to take R to emergency room for foot, sit in ER for 3 hr, return home w/ gimpy R to find R's friends waiting, emergency clean of apt and relocation to living room to work, work all night on one project instead of all day and night on three.

* Sun: Set up work space in dining room again. Sitting here blogging. Resisting the urge to check the open house listings and make a call to family friends to go pick up a donated dresser. Hearing the Charlie Brown "ARGHHH" in my head.

!!Oh I hope I get a lot done today!!


  • At Sun Aug 03, 01:17:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Re: Sat—Holy CRAP! Felix called me from outside your place yesterday for your home #, curious why nobody had answered the door. I expressed the hope that all was well, as he usually picks up snacks before the geeks arrive. Now I wish it had indeed been just a tardy snack run!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do amid this craziness.

  • At Sun Aug 03, 02:22:00 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Thank you for the nice offer. Yes, we were a bit late back from the ER but everyone was understanding and patient, and the gathering continued on. I wish it were a chip run too, but alas, someone now has his foot iced and elevated in what can be understood in this discussion between the ER dr. and R:

    Dr. (talking too fast): "blah blah ... a sprain."
    R: "Oh good, so it's just a sprain."
    Dr.: "Not just a sprain. There are sprains, and there are sprains. There are good sprains, but you do not have a good sprain."


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