* Friends who have been laid off. Publishers who have closed offices. How scary the world of publishing. How I must enjoy the work I have when I have it. The fear that is part of freelancing.
* Lucky, lucky schizo is planning a cool vacation. Oh how I need to get away.
* Isn't it plausible that just one UFO sighting of the hundreds of thousands reported is real? Amazing what that would mean.
* I want to redesign my blog, take it away from the blue and go with something crisp and sharp, but my superstitions/compulsions are trying to prevent it, knowing that I selected blue as the color that was lucky at a certain time years ago, not wanting me to change right now, afraid at what might happen.
* Will I actually watch the last season of the X-Files again before I see the movie?
* What has happened to A and should I be worried?
* I need to go kayaking again someday. If there is any outdoor activity I miss, this is it.
* I am proud for not taking too much work this month so far. Will I be happy when I see what that means to the bottom line in income at the end of the month? Shouldn't I be happy to have the time I've had to shred and clean around here? Why can't I feel as satisfied with cleaning as with working?
At Mon Apr 21, 06:58:00 PM, Schizohedron said…
Heh — send that luck my way when I get out to Vegas. But thanks for the nod . . . I figure I'm better off grabbing the escape now, while I still can, rather than wait for another work interruption to force it to a tomorrow that — who knows? — might never come.
As for your point on A, I say call him or her. Never hurts to try and touch a person's life, and it might be exactly what he or she needs.
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