Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

That's it. Seriously. I have had it with planning things during my WORKDAYS!!! *

If anyone from now on asks me to go out, visit, travel, meet for lunch, shop, hang out, or various other verbs on a workday, the answer is No! I am swamped with work but people keep thinking I can just come on out and take ENDLESS "vacation" days like I'm sitting home bored out of my cranium eating chocolate and painting my nails. ARGH!!!

[Here's the thing: I don't mind visiting a friend for an afternoon if I have not taken any time for myself for quite a while, but I have been consistently out of the house these days, and now it shows!]

So ... that is it!! Whew. Feels good to make a decree.

*This does not count the upcoming vacation I am taking, of course, as I have planned it for months, so there!


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