Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Okay, Schizo, you are ON!!

We are back to 100 Words starting in October.

It'll do me good, dag nabbit.

"I am writing to leave a small fossil that says I lived pressed into the medium that killed me."
--Sandra Kohler


  • At Wed Sep 26, 07:21:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    And in my favorite month, no less!

    Not sure if I'll use my previous signon or make a new Schizohedron one so I can link'em in. Leaning toward the latter. Most exciting!

    Love the Kohler quote.

  • At Thu Sep 27, 04:13:00 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Yes, I can see why you might want to start another and link. That makes sense. I'll keep mine since it is the same *ho-hum*

    It's my favorite month too!! Just got down all the decorations from the attic. Now if I can find a place to put them ...

    The quote is the last line from a poem called "Write." She starts it with an epigraph from Somerset Maugham: "I can never write on the days I have to walk across the square to buy cigarettes."


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