Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The new computer is up and running ... much faster than the old one now that I have that duel core thing going. And it's a third smaller. Now I just hope it runs three times longer than the other one.

Because of this month's computer issues I have given up on trying to catch up with the 100 Words for May. It's disappointing but I just didn't have the access to keep posting and writing. (Yes, I know, I could have grabbed a pen and paper, but every second has been used to catch up on work. How sad.)

In the "Amy is moving toward a real life" column, I will be seeing the new Indy movie this week. Huzzah! :) Just the soundtrack should give me an energy boost, if only for a couple hours. ...


  • At Tue May 20, 07:46:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    Congrats on the working machine. R.'s been keeping me up to speed on your computer ups and downs at our lunches, and I hope this one is a winner.

    I too have to admit that I've been less successful than I'd anticipated at 100 Words. My experiment of getting entries up in a timed fashion was resulting in very few good items. I don't know if that should have stopped me — bad writing has its place in getting you closer to the good writing — but based on my emotional state in the beginning of the month, I'm not sure I even want some of the other entries to see the light of day. Very grim. I think I'll let this one fizzle out.

    I broke my movie fast with Iron Man this Sunday. Would you believe I hadn't seen anything in the theaters since Snakes on a Plane? This summer seems to have many opportunities to make up for lost time.

  • At Wed May 21, 04:39:00 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    R loved Iron Man. I like RD jr but I don't think I'll be catching that one. Too many other great things to see coming up!

    I hear ya with the 100 Words. Bad writing certainly does have its place.

    Thanks, I will try to give things to the computer gods to ensure this one runs well.


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