Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas everyone!

Blackadder's Christmas Carol down, Alastair Sim's Christmas Carol to go.

Baldrick: ... I've nearly finished the Christmas cards.

Ebenezer: [taking off his tall hat] Oh, splendid! Let me see... [opens up a card he has picked up from the desk] "A Very Messy Christmas." I'm sorry, Mr Baldrick -- shouldn't that be "merry"?

Baldrick: "A Merry Messy Christmas"? All right, but the main thing is that it should be messy -- messy cake; soggy pudding; great big wet kisses under the mistletoe ...

Ebenezer: Yes ... [going to hang up his coat and scarf] I fear, Mr Baldrick, that the only way you're likely to get a big wet kiss at Christmas -- or, indeed, any other time -- is to make a pass at a water closet. However, be that as it may... [Baldrick gives him the card again] "A Merry Messy Christmas." "Christmas" has an H in it, Mr Baldrick.

Baldrick: Oh ...

Ebenezer: ... and an R. Also an I, and an S. Also T and M and A ... and another S. Oh, and you've missed out the C at the beginning. Congratulations, Mr Baldrick! Something of a triumph, I think -- you must be the first person ever to spell "Christmas" without getting any of the letters right at all.


  • At Fri Dec 26, 03:45:00 PM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    It is always bizarre for me to recall that FOX's Dr. House was also an upper-class twit in the second two Blackadder series. (And IIRC the Christmas Carol special too.)


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