Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Good article by Matt Bai from the NY Times mag on workers at home: "Home-Office Politics" Yes, that social security percentage is going to hurt. Can't wait to see if this experiment will really work for the long term ...


  • At Thu Nov 22, 09:05:00 AM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    The photo leading the story is intriguing. I wish they had captioned it to explain what it was.

    The first year I copyedited at our old place, I made $590. When I realized how much would've been deducted had I crested $600, I did a jig. The next year, I cleared the limit by a wide margin, and did that sad Charlie Brown walk all the way to the signature line on my Form SE.

    What kept me from pursuing the self-employment route was the challenge of getting health insurance as a single aging fat man AND socking away dough in a retirement account. Freelancers Union or the Editorial Freelancers Ass'n might be two ways to pursue the former. So might be moving to Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, or New Zealand, where thinking people crafted the healthcare system. Depends if Romney wins or not. Ahhhh, but there's that whole leaving-behind-the-Bill-of-Rights thing. Decisions, decisions. . . .

  • At Fri Nov 23, 09:49:00 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    Yes, the retirement and insurance are two big things. I've resisted joining the EFA so far but I'll probably do it next year.

    Australia is nice. :) Seriously, it makes most sense to work for an employer unless there are a bunch of things coming together that help let you stay at home. I envy that your day ends when it ends!!


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