Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Have been extremely busy with the new house and childcare and tons of work. In an effort to actually see how much I work (since I really have no idea how my time breaks down, as it's chunked out over the day), I am going to start keeping track of what I do when next week and post it here. How is my WAHM week broken down. Then I'll see if that is typical and do it again.

In the meantime, this is kinda scary. Seems that companies will be assessed as to whether their contractors are really contractors. I don't think I should be affected but I have heard that a publisher in MA recently told MA freelancers that they could not use them anymore, as they are considered more like employees ... something like that, anyway.

Humph. Can't we catch a break, huh? Freelancers work harder than anyone and we pay our taxes, quarterly even, so let us stay at home and make money without being fearful of our classification.

November 5 Article in

"Beginning in February, 6,000 random (unlucky) companies will start getting the IRS version of Happy New Year’s wishes: a notice they’re going to be audited over employment taxes. While agents will be looking for an array of violations, they’re really targeting Form 1099 independent contractors who should be classified as regular employees."

November 5 article in BusinessWeek
"Get ready for an intense new round in the long-running fight over which workers are independent contractors. "

Google the phrase "independent contractor" or


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