Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's amazing how things change. I used to spend my "net" time checking all freelance sites, posting on here, checking editing sites ... Now I check FB and check items for work and post on 100 Words. That's about it. I have little time to look at freelance items, blogs ... . Maybe that will change again sometime.

I do miss keeping up with all the freelance sites. But I should spend more time working. And writing poetry. And submitting. Oh, to get back to when I used Sundays all for my own writing, submitting, etc. That was a good plan.

Maybe it is all organization? Maybe soon when I have my own office (just me, my own room!!) I can get more done? Somehow I keep thinking I can fit it all in with a child now in the mix, and I can't. I think I should be superwoman and that's silly.

In any case, I will forge ahead and try to feel good about what I can get done. Try to be more efficient so I can spend even more time playing with and discovering with and teaching K. My head is spinning but I think all will work out ...


  • At Fri Aug 21, 09:54:00 AM, Blogger Schizohedron said…

    I subscribed to the CE email list, but was quickly overwhelmed. I'm able to keep up with emails I get from blogs—freelance as well as writing, personal finance, fitness, etc.—because they come once a day or weekly. But the CE-L one turned into 90 "digest" notes over one week! Going through them all turns up some interesting points, but I always feel like I'm taking time from something else. Maybe I just have to declare a "study period" each week so I can dig into them without feeling the pull of other tasks.

  • At Fri Aug 21, 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    I get the digest and look at it once every week or two. I just browse the subjects for things I am interested in like rate discussions, work, etc. I don't really read it all anymore. Who has time??


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