Illumination: The Fyrefly Jar Weblog

The journal of a new mom and freelance editor who blogs about both when she has the time!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just read the latest post at dougalfish about taking time off, and I read the article that she linked to: The Dark Ages by Kate Muir. Oh how true, that housework has fallen by the wayside. Just today I had to run around like a crazy person, cleaning before my parents came for dinner. Every time I clean like this, shoving things in the back office just so I can bring them back out the next day to clutter the living room, I vow to get out a big, black garbage bag and throw out everything I own. We've got a book problem, CD problem, periodical problem, clothes problem, still-piled-up wedding gifts problem, and miscellaneous kitchen items problem. If we could just organize those things, we'd be great!

As far as taking off time, I've been sticking to my rule that I won't go out during the workday unless I prescheduled it and planned my work around it successfully. For longer time away, I'll plan it ahead, do whatever it takes to get my work done before that time, and then go away. I make sure I can check my email at least once or twice from wherever I am and then start more work when I get back, but I haven't found the need to work every day of the year. This works for me, but then again, I go far away infrequently and I can usually adjust my projects accordingly. I feel bad for people who can't.


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